Sunday, December 22, 2019

Understanding Vs. Knowing in Atwood’s Oryx and Crake Essay

It is often simpler to settle for an understanding of the world and people around us instead of trying to know the truth. Truth has consequences; by knowing too much, one can lose a friend, learn a deadly secret, or become someone they do not want to be. To express his understanding of himself and the world around him, Crake in Oryx and Crake uses quote-bearing fridge magnets. One very important quote is â€Å"We understand more than we know†. It is important to recognize the difference between the terms understand and know; the Oxford English Dictionary defines to understand as to perceive the significance, explanation, or cause of, whereas to know is to be absolutely certain or sure about something. There is certainly a difference,†¦show more content†¦However, there are many characteristics that remain uncontrolled in the Crakers, and these people eventually begin to create art and place both Oryx and Crake in God-like positions in their society: two things agains t which Crake had warned. Crake’s understanding of biology and psychology leads the Crakers to initially have none of humanity’s flaws. This shows Crake’s grand understanding of biology, but not any knowledge of how these people will soon acquire notions of art, gods, or symbolism. He has done few trials, and consequently has little evidence to prove that the Children of Crake will be successful. Furthermore, Crake is able to understand Jimmy’s incredible attraction to Oryx from the first time they glimpse her on the HottTotts website. He saves her image, possibly with the intentions of one day finding this girl to use against Jimmy. What Crake understands is Jimmy’s love for Oryx, but what he doesn’t know is that Jimmy will choose in the end to not let him and Oryx re-enter the Paradice Dome. Jimmy accepts that for complete renewal of the human race, not only Crake, but Oryx as well, must die, â€Å"for both have sinned against the potential goodness of humanity† and â€Å"she is a hinge in Crake’s attempt to re-enter Paradice† (DiMarco 191). Whereas Jimmy had been known to Crake to be one to be fearful and easily controlled, this time he takes a powerful stance against Crake’s plan and proves that Crake

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